Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Simple Prayer

A Simple Prayer

What is it that I have been searching for?
To live in the Heart of Jesus.
What does this mean?
I want to live a life of virtue,
Beginning with those virtues that Jesus loves most:
Charity, Humility, Justice, and Honesty,
To be surrounded by virtuous people,
Who can build me up,
Not tear me down.

I am so weak; I can’t make this journey alone.
I need the Church to help me to grow in virtue.
I need the sacraments,
Especially Eucharist and Reconciliation.
I need a regular time to pray.
I need to fast from those earthly things that I love most,
In order to fill myself with God’s love.
I need to give my love to others,
Freely without cost.

I need God’s help moment by moment,
Without his love and grace, I am nothing.
I need to be a viable part,
Of the communion of Saints triumphant.
Help me, O Lord, this day,
To be all that I am meant to be,
To serve you willingly,
To love one another as You love me.
Help me to be Your light in the darkness.


Face to Face

Face to Face

This journey of faith, I’ll keep my eyes on Jesus,
My search for God, Whose pure love transforms me,
Takes me near and far, I’ll see Him in others,
Across oceans, deserts, and plains, As I travel on my way,
As I long to see Him, As I long to see Him,
Face to face. Face to face.

It’s said the longest journey, Like the three wise men,
Is from the mind to the heart. Following a star,
It’s taken me a life time, I have traveled far,
Learning to trust, not doubt, Finding him at last in my heart,
As I long to see Him, As I long to see Him
Face to face. Face to face.

This journey is on-going,
With every choice I make,
Love will be the best gift,
To present to Jesus,
When I finally see Him,
Face to face.



Time, time, what is time?
Each precious moment,
Here now, then gone,
Never to return.

Past, present, future,
These precious moments,
Given as gift,
Do they bear fruit?

Time, time, clocks ticking,
I treasure this time,
Here now, then gone,
How have I loved?

Does my life show joy?
Have I been gentle?
Have I been kind?
How have I loved?