Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Simple Prayer

A Simple Prayer

What is it that I have been searching for?
To live in the Heart of Jesus.
What does this mean?
I want to live a life of virtue,
Beginning with those virtues that Jesus loves most:
Charity, Humility, Justice, and Honesty,
To be surrounded by virtuous people,
Who can build me up,
Not tear me down.

I am so weak; I can’t make this journey alone.
I need the Church to help me to grow in virtue.
I need the sacraments,
Especially Eucharist and Reconciliation.
I need a regular time to pray.
I need to fast from those earthly things that I love most,
In order to fill myself with God’s love.
I need to give my love to others,
Freely without cost.

I need God’s help moment by moment,
Without his love and grace, I am nothing.
I need to be a viable part,
Of the communion of Saints triumphant.
Help me, O Lord, this day,
To be all that I am meant to be,
To serve you willingly,
To love one another as You love me.
Help me to be Your light in the darkness.


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